The advantage of the Web Service

08.42 Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
• the use of open formats for all platforms.
• Easy to understand and easy in debug.
• Support a stable interface.
• Using standards "to open the service once and have multiple users.
• Easy to mediate messages and processes to add value.
• Routing and delivery.
• Security.
• management and monitoring.
• schema design and service.
• Acceleration.
• easy to develop with additional semantic transport.
• Open, standards-based text.
• Achieving a modular.
• No expensive to implement (relative).
• Reduce the cost of enterprise application integration.
• Implementation of the incremental.
• XML allows software developers to expose valuable resources in the form of interoperability which has high, where the resources are all types of applications or pnyimpanan data used by the organization. XML Web services architecture defines a standard mechanism to provide resources through the delivery of XML messages. To access the resources only with mentransmisikan XML messages through a standard protocol such as TCP, HTTP, or SMTP. The word "Web Service" (in short "service") refers to the code of the XML interface to be a source of power, where the bias so difficult to access.
• Architecture allows consumers to support the application with integrated XML Web Service. However, to meet this, consumers should determine the appropriate XML interface along with the message that the message diverse and have the details right. XML scheme can memnuhi needs because this allows developers to explaining the structure of XML messages. XML own scheme, however, can not announce additional details concerning the communication with the Web Service.

• Definition of the scheme to tell the XML messages that can be used but not how the messages relate to one another. For example, if there is an XML element named Add the name and other AddResponse, this is likely the second name is related but can not indicate its scheme. Therefore, in addition to know the messages, consumers should also know the possible exchange of messages that are supported by the Web Service (example:., If you send a message Add, you get a message back form AddResponse).
Can exchange messages intended as an exchange operation. Operations conducted by consumers on the most important point menginteraksikan service image. Each time you use a Web Service, will be conducted inspection operations that supported the list to get all the processes that are available.

• It is normal for developers to group operations to be connected to the interface-interface. Consumers need to know of these affect the way they create the code. This is important for developers, developers working with Web Service on the scope of object-oriented interface because XML can become a map interface programmatis (or abstract classes) in the language options selected.

• Consumers also need to know what the communication protocol used for sending messages to the service, along the specific mechanisms involved when using the protocol defined as the use of the command, the header-header, an error code. Packing (binding) specify concrete details of what happened on the cable (wire) with mensketsakan how to use interface with specific communication protocol. Binding also affect message-peasn way in the abstract enkodisasi specify on the wire with the style of service (vs. document. RPC) mechanism and enkodisasi (vs. literal. Terenkodisasi).

• Service can support binding on the double-binding interface that is determined, but each must be binding dapta accessible at the address identified by a unique URI, is also intended as the end point of the Web Service.

• Consumers should find out all details outlined before they can interact using the Web Service.

Web service

08.25 Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Web service Is a applications that can expose an API that can be accessed through the web. This means you can call the application via the web, and the applications that call is called a client. This is possible because the standard web service to allow clients and servers communicate via HTTP with the platform or programming language that is different.

Web Services Platform specification requires a minimum feature to be able to build applications are. Platforms have any exact format of a representation of data and system data type. To be able to interact, the Web Services Platform should provide a standard system of the type of data system to bridge differences in the type of data that exist in various platforms, programming languages and the different components of modeling different. Web Service Platform must also provide information about the description of the interface, functions, and parameters for the needs of the client in the service call. Finally, the Web Service must also provide a mechanism for calling the web service in the remote, this protocol must be independent of platforms and programming languages.

Technology that makes Web Service Platform is realized between the XML (Extensible Markup Language) and XSD (Xml Schema Definition Language) format that provides the basis for the representation of data. And SOAP (Simple Object Acess Protocol), which provides a standard mechanism for the Remote Procedure Call calling Web Services. Then also WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is a grammar to explain the functions and parameters of the web service in XML format. WSDL as one of the supporting technology interoperability Specifically we will discuss how to create a WSDL that supports the interoperability of an application. WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is an XML grammar to describe the web service interface, the protocol be the web service and location. WSDL Version 1.1 specifications made by IBM and Microsoft Research. Although not a WSDL or the W3C standards that must make the call and a web service, but supported the implementation of the various SOAP client and development tools.

Web Service fully web-based standards and xml. Web Service can help:
• The integration of the platform along the virtual machine execution.
• Integration between the Web and OO middleware.
• Integration isolated from the flow of work and sevice-service (Web Services Flow Language - WSFL).
• Exchange of data on the application of different (X-Schema, XSLT)
• (future: the standardization of information between the context of web services and client - horizontal integration services).
• Cast and standards
Microsoft:. NET SUN: Open Net Environment (ONE) IBM: Web Service Conceptual Architecture (WSCA) W3C: Web Service Workshop Oracle: Web Service Broker Hewlett-Packard: Web Service Platform
• The ability of the application, function or operation of the exposure to other programs through the open standard, and interoperable.
• "payloads" is defined as XML.
• "transports" via http or other open Internet protocol.
• Data is accessed from a variety of programming languages, hardware platform or operating system.
• Middleware from the Internet.

Benefits of using WMLScript

08.22 Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
1. Create the look more interesting
With functions that are supported by WMLscript, view the WAP site can be added to the features available, which can beautify the display. For example: hour, or day and date.

2. Support functions of the user-interface is quite complex.
WMLscript support functions that pengunaannya depending on the user. For example: to change the image features gender-appropriate user.

3. Provide facilities for the client-browser
With WMLscript, navigation and inter-card decks increasingly easy and not too demanding job micro-browser, in addition to the functions that depend on input from the user more easily dealt with WMLscript, making the mobile piranri performance is not too heavy.

4. Can access the functions of a mobile pheripheral tool.
WMLscript can access the mobile pheirpheral tools, for example, the phone's memory. But this requires knowledge of pheripheral mobile tools that will dikoneksikan with the WAP site with WMLscript.

5. Developers do not need to learn a new concept.
WMLscript based on the principles of scripting languages and programming languages that already exist.

The definition WML Script

08.21 Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
WML script, including a client-side programming. Very similar to the Java Script on dynamic HTML, WML script but is adjusted to the limitations of the WAP environment. WML use of the same script with Java Script, but the use of different rules, including:

1. WML script created a separate file with WML.
Unlike in Java Script, WML script can not be placed one file with the file WML. WML script consists of the functions that used to run the file WML.
2. Case sensitive.
Important note in writing variable, function names and parameters.

3. Ignoring space and the line.
In the WML script, the following will be considered to be the same:
Function number ()
Function number ()
number ()

4. Comments can be provided with certain signs.
To comment placed after a line of signature / /
For comments that consists of several lines enclosed sign /*.... comment ....*/

5. Line function.
Each end of the line function atanda must end with a semicolon (;).

6. Block code.
A function is always the sign of the brackets ().

Use of WML

08.18 Posted In , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
For tools such as wireless, mobile phones, accessing the internet will work very burdening the phone. Therefore, WML markup languages used, and not HTML, because:

1. Low Bandwidth
The size of the web page, html now, about 20KB, with a 56Kbps modem speed, download a page requires about 4detik. Meanwhile, wireless bandwidth is approximately 9.6 Kbps, to download the same page with the wireless tools will need 17 seconds. WML and WMLScript is a binary code that dikodekan to the compact form before they ditransmisikan, this is to reduce the size of the file. Wireless Session Protocol (WSP), which is similar to the HTTP on the Internet with a cable, is also a binary code, with the same goal, namely to save bandwidth. Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP), which is similar to the TCP on the Internet with a cable, not only are designed to minimize the amount of data each transaction, but also the amount of the transaction itself.

2. Quick response
WAP application environment, using the concept of scripting, which means that the distance between client and server can be avoided. ACK delivery process, also do not need to be done, because the Wireless telephony ApplicationIinteface (WTAI), has provided a repository, namely Persistent storage media used to handle services, which require response event that the user is done.

3. The view that small
Display WML small, because the use and Card Deck, so do not need many pages, such as in html.
4. Input overcome the limited facilities
Elements in the WML, made with the use, soft-key programming, the buttons are on the phone or PDA.

5. To overcome the limited memory and CPU
WAP technology, use of RAM memory may be a little application to the phone, using the cache.

WML developments

08.15 Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
HTML is the language of the web's first portable from one platform to another platform.

From the HTML 3.2, which is developed by the W3C, the version that appears most is the end of the HTML 4.1, which is the basic of XHTML. XHTML only add modularity and carefully and obey the rules of the language, so bring a better structure on the web page, and this is beneficial to the application to the mobile Internet site that restrict labor mobile devices. XHTML Basic is the next version of HTML 4.1, which is designed for the web client that does not fully support some features of XHTML. XHTML MP is a subset of XHTML, from the XHTML Basic, and add some elements and attributes XHTML 1.1 useful in a mobile browser.

3. WML 1.x
1.x and WML is the markup language that describes the specifications of the WAP 1.x. WML 1.x is very similar to HTML, using both the tag and written in plain text format. Some HTML tags directly used in the WML 1.x. Some features WML 1.x devoted to wireless tools. For example, WML 1.x provides a way for developers in the program Softkey mobile phone. This feature is not supported by HTML because the computer using the keyboard. WML support client-side scripting language and called WMLScript, which sintaksisnya based on the javascript. Because WML, XHTML is a subset, the exit in 2000 by the W3C, so the likelihood is WML in 2000, by the W3C.

4. WML 2.0
WML version 2.0, was made for only backward-compatibility, and not for developers WAP site. To build a WAP site with the WAP 2.0 standard, developers using XHTML or WML MP 1.x.

5. WML 1.x Compatibility Extension
WML specification 2.0 describes the extension of WML 1.x compatibility, which is used as a kind of converter WML WML 1.x to 2.0. This extension makes the client can use the WAP 2.0 features specific WML 1.x, without the need to have a dual-browser (XHTML MP and WML 1.x).

WAP CSS is the mobile version of the CSS made by the OMA. Furthermore, the WAP CSS is a subset of CSS, the features that are not in accordance with the small devices, and add some WAP-specific expansion in the CSS.

The use of WAP

08.04 Posted In , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
WAP technology is used because of the limitations of the Internet with the cable network, a transaction which demands speed and without restriction. In addition, this technology should meet the basic needs of wireless networks, namely:
1. Interoperable: service providers must be able to use all the vendors in the mobile network.
2. Efficient: the quality of services that match the characteristics and behavior of the mobile network.
3. Reliable: provides a platform of services that are reliable, predictable and consistent for the distribution of services.
4. Secure: allow the service to maintain the integrity of user data and to protect the devices from service and security issues.
To meet the needs of the above, set the WAP application development environment and architecture of the system, which includes the following:
1. Provide a layered architecture, scaleable and extensible.
2. Optimizing wireless transmission.
3. Influence and to develop standards to the Internet.
4. Provide a model of web-centric applications:
 Mapping between the faces of the WAP user interface based on the existing web.
 web server using WAP, WAP technology all affect the development of the web server side there (ie: ASP.NET, PHP and JSP).
5. Using XML as the primary processing and serving.
• Allows personalized devices, content and presentation.
• Communication and interoperable application may be.

WAP (Wireless Applicaation Protocol)

07.56 Posted In , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
WAP (Wireless Applicaation Protocol) is a communications protocol that allows Internet access using a cellular phone, pager and PDA. WAP is designed to work with the diversity of transmitting wireless network, handheld devices and operating systems.
WAP can be said is the wireless version of the WWW, with a capacity of less bandwidth from 15Kbps, lower than the web technology that generally run on 56Kbps.
The process that occurs when we ask the web page to hold the tools we are:
1. Users ask the URL of the WAP browser in the handheld tool.
2. WAP browser request to the WML format and send the request to the WAP gateway.
3. WAP gateway receives the request, and change the WAP request to the http request, then send them to the web server.
4. Http web server to receive requests, make the necessary process, and then send a response to the WAP gateway.
5. WAP gateway and receive http response, mengkodekan http response into the WAP response, and then send to the WAP device that was passing me.
6. WAP browser software to receive feedback WAP gateway and create the display tool in our WAP.
In 1995, Ericsson introduced the yangbertujuan a project to develop common protocols, concepts, namely the value addition of services on the mobile network. This protocol, called Intelegent Terminal Transfer Protocol (ITTP), can handle communication between two nodes that use the service applications.
1996 and 1997, Unwired Planet, Nokia and several other companies launched the concept in adding additional value services on the mobile network. Unwired Planet issued a Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) and Handheld Device Transport Protocol (HDTP). Almost the same with HTML and HTTP, as a design tool and protokolnya.
March 1997, Nokia officially removing the concept of Smart Messaging services, Internet access is designed for GSM mobile phone. Communication between a mobile user and the server consists of the Internet Information using SMS and a markup language called Tagged Text Markup Language (TTML).
With that concept in various ways, you risk the user is in pieces, according to certain concepts. Therefore, on 26 June 1997, Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, and Unwired Planet (which will become Openwave Systems Inc..), Take the initiative, and December 1997, terbentuklah the WAP Forum is open to anyone resmi.Keanggotaannya, after in April 1998, WAP Forum merealese WAP 1.0.

Future SVG and Flash

07.54 Posted In , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
See the reality now, SVG is a technology that is a little less popular. Technology such as Flash has been unduly strong for the defeated by SVG. With all the advantages and disadvantages, SVG provides a new alternative to penganimasian objects and also making the web a dynamic and interactive. Given the age of SVG, which is relatively young (born 1999) of course still many penambalan here and there to go to the direction of adequate and have not time to say SVG will not develop. Essentially, SVG is a new technology is beneficial in terms of keinteraktifan and kualiatasnya. So, we better wait development.

While for the future of Flash. Flash 5 released in June 2000. Following the general cycle of the software in this category is approximately 18 months, we can expect early 2001 for the next version of Flash (Flash 5.5? 6.0? Carey name? There are some who heard gossip, but there has been no press release or leak from Macromedia.) Among the features - features the most binding regulations set by the Flash designers in the world is a better ability to handle bitmap and the ability to play the video directly from the Flashâ € "something that has become a land of life utiltiy software such as Flash Flix. But still not be ascertained whether such requests will be implemented in full scale, considering both the potential to increase dramatically the size of Flash plugin. If we see the situation now, Flash 5 is a product that is mature enough and meet the komunitasâ € "although certainly not sematang Director. Macromedia can be so in the near future just launched the updated version contains minor improvements only, while preparing the next generation of a more revolutionary. We wait steps from Macromedia.

Functionality SVG and Flash

07.52 Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
Functionality SVG and Flash
SVG has the functionality to display a graph 2 dimensional weight in the XML code.
Essentially, SVG can be used to create three types of graphic objects, namely:
1. path (consisting of a straight line and curve),
2. picture,
3. text.

SVG can creative a graph that consists of many different vectors are different. A Vector is basically the line that connects two points. This new technology can be developed to create applications that web-based data is always updated (example: stock market, weather forecasts, currency exchange rate).

Meanwhile, for the flash itself, Flash is out of the category "Animation Web-Only" or only for the intro and a sweetener. Of course, you never see a banner ad or a similar TV commercial, but in the interactive sites like CNET. Or the game-interactive game interesting in MSN. Outside it is still a lot longer and more broad range of Flash applications at this time. One-time center; sineas the candidates and the future of film has created works of short films in their Flash. Serial short SouthPark, or clip-clip JoeCartoon, it can only be made in Flash. Flash has delivered a new generation sineas work on the Web. With stand-playernya, Flash animation, we can easily be taken which, added to the CD, is attached in the email, sent to other people who do not have a player / Flash plugin even. However, the presentation appears Kiosk CD or better still made only with the Director. Flash 5 is not yet able to handle the total size of the media. Create. Fla-sized tens of megabytes, the Flash 5 in Windows will often crash. One solution is to split-mecah into several small movie. Not only up there. Flash skill that has owned various types of designers will create other applications that were previously not possible. TV ads for example, is one of the areas of the potential application of Flash, because it can also cut the cost of production. No need of high-end video card, just a PC or Mac, which are Macromedia Flash. Games are increasingly created with Flash. Flash ActionScript-5 with its interaction allows more complex. Flash Player also has been to the PlayStation 2. Training materials and tutorials can be far more interesting if created with Flash instead of HTML or PowerPoint. Animation from the PDA screen intended for up to billboards can only be made with Flash. Only the imagination and creativity pembatasnya sky.

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) And Flash

07.49 Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
SVG is the abbreviation of Scalable Vector Graphics file format and a new graph to show the development of web-based XML (Extensible Markup Language). In addition to SVG, there is also mathml (Mathematic Markup Language) - the XML-based show to formulas, mathematics formula and CML (Chemical Markup Language) for the chemical. In addition to the above definition, SVG, SVG also has several other definitions are:
1. SVG is an abbreviation of Scalable Vector Graphics
2. SVG used to make graphs with the defining vector, which will be used in the web page.
3. SVG produce graphs that will not diminish its quality as a result of the process zoomming or resizing.
4. elements and attributes in SVG can dianimasikan
5. SVG recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
6. SVG integrated with other W3C standards such as DOM and XSL

The definition of Flash: Flash is one of the vector animation program developed by the company Macromedia Inc.., For use on Web pages, so it can be displayed on the Internet. With the help of a certain plugin. Flash can display colors, with images and animation clip the variegated, even the sound movie, the alpha, transparency, masks

XML documents

07.46 Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
XML documents form the plaintext files using standard ISO 8859-1 or using unicode UTF-8 and UTF-16. Symbol markup described by the symbol angle brackets . <...> And called tags. Data, or content, fill the space between the tags was. Tag is used as a sign to navigate the document. Anatomy of an XML document consists of two main parts, namely prologue and elements of the document or the root element.

The Prologue

Consists of the XML declaration and comments.

Starting with

Version "1.0" indicates that the XML file written according to the rules XML version 1.0. Encoding = "UTF-8" indicates that the XML file with code written UTF-8. Stand = "yes" means that the XML file stand alone or not there are other supporting files.

Profits can use the XML

07.44 Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Profits can use the XML mentioned as follows.
o simplification of the application, where a database written in XML can be accessed anywhere and facilitate the application in the data because it can save memory.
o Separate data with the presentation, where the tags in XML documents can be

explain the contents of the data and defines the contents of the data. For instance, the XML data indebted , the explanation that a name is tact.
Unlike with HTML, which is used to display data, XML is not designed to display the data. XML is designed to store and exchange data. With XML data can be exchanged between the format of the system that are not compatible. Conversion of data to XML can reduce the complexity and make the data can be read by applications that bebeda carriers.

In the XML file format (plaintext) can be used to share data, making it easier to create different data applications that work with it, also allows for system upgrades to the operating system, server and application of the new.

XML can be used to store data in a file or database. Applications can be made to store and call information from file storage to display the data.
XML, independent of hardware, software and applications, can cause the application to access the XML file as a data source, such as access to the database. The data can be used for almost all types of machine data readers.

XML (eXtensible Markup Language)

07.31 Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
XML is a language Markup Language, which is
simple from sgml (Standard generalized Markup Language). XML was developed by the W3C with the aim to complement or overcome the limitations of HTML technology that has become a basic web-based service at this time. In their use, XML has two functions as a document format and the format of the data on a system that are.
XML is currently an important role for some of the information transaction conducted through the Internet, because the XML format has become a structure of the exchange of data between the web service on the internet. Growth is not clear from the many advantages of the XML format, among others:
XML allows a transaction to run in connectionless oriented, transaction means the perpetrator does not need to build a special connection that is connected in real time.

XML, short for Extensible Markup Language, is a markup language designed for the delivery of information via the website and can also be used to exchange information between the database system. Markup language (markup language) is a programming language to mark a record. Examples of the markup language that is known is the hypertext markup language (HTML) used to create web pages.
XML provides a format to describe structured data or Terurut. Facilities provided to create XML content (content) data into a more easily understood. XML data format, can be treated with various data-processing tools vary, and for the purpose different. For instance, a program that is used to display the data, while the other program to edit the data.

Excellence Using AJAX

07.28 Posted In , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
With AJAX technology, the development of web sites to become the world's growing rapidly. That's because AJAX has some powerful advantages that include:

1. AJAX applications create web site visible and feels like a normal desktop applications. That's because AJAX can create a process in the web site seems to do without refresh the page.

2. AJAX can make the process much simultaneously on sites with just a refresh. It is advantageous to use the frame, in addition to the AJAX make the process time to be faster.

3. Because AJAX can update the web page without a refresh, it is a good choice for web-based chat program. You can see examples on the site / projects / chat. as an illustration, AJAX play a role when the user to use them words and click the submit button to send the word to the server. Next will be the people who are chatting at the same time (the web page does not require a refresh).

4. AJAX can display a pop-up menu. The data mean that the text is taken from the server along that is required by the user, the text results from the server can be sent back in the form of pop-up menu with menggukanan AJAX techniques.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML)

07.26 Posted In , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
AJAX continuation of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. To remember is that AJAX is not an application or programming language but AJAX is a method of running the website and in the application made by the language pemograman level JavaScript is a client with the help of XML (Extended Markup Language), which provides object to accommodate the data to be sent to server.
With AJAX, the user only communicate with the server behind the screen, find the desired data and display them instantly on the web page without a page refresh, without winking screen in the browser, does not need to wait for a long time. This is a big change in the world of applications and Internet web sites, as a web application start looking like desktop applications. With the increasing speed internet connection, the data from the server to be precise and quick. Thus, the web software can be seen and felt the same as the user access to regular desktop applications.
AJAX can be a great solution for many developers, web developers project. For AJAX applications can increase the power of the web site and can get the changes that most of the previous technology developed without AJAX. And with the addition of this method also makes the price of a website application to be increasing. Can be AJAX does not require a large amount of capital but can produce a product that is large enough.
This technology is very useful for pemograman web in the future. Not surprisingly AJAX is now a topic terpanas and discussed by many people both users and internet service stus web application developers because they can be more easily